Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

So I've all but abandoned this blog... so sorry by the way. I changed email addresses, yet they won't let me move my blog there. Pretty sucky, right?
Since my last entry, I've managed to acquire a pair of elf ears and I've become addicted to Skyrim. And this was only Christmas.
I've started a new blog on Tumblr, Auntie Rants, where I will be ranting every other Saturday. It'll be a fun time with my crazy opinions.
I'm also planning on getting my YouTube account filled with videos. Most will be me reading my rants in a semi rehearsed fashion, other times, they'll be weird, fun, videos containing who knows what. So that'll be fun... I hope.
I'm writing and updating several different stories on wattpad, my account is here. I've posted a 7 page satire, an original story entitled The Black Bandit, and for my fans, I have a private fan fiction running. It will be public once I finish it... if I ever do. Knowing me, I probably won't with out of harassment.
So I'm sick on New Year's, about to try and record a video for YouTube... yeah... that's my life so far. I'm planning on calling my new YouTube family my "clan". Everybody seems to call their internet viewers something too, so I thought to have a clan would be a cool idea.
If no one watches my videos, I'll probably go eat my feelings...
You know what, no I won't! I have no regrets about anything! 2012 was great, but 2013 is going to be the coolest thing you've ever seen. It's not just going to be cool, but it'll be an adventure!
So my new year's resolution? TO HAVE NO REGRETS AND LIVE IT UP!

I'm also going to start spamming you with gifs every post. I'm going to try my best! 
Doodle of the Day:

This is probably the most shit zodiac picture I've done to this day... oh well. Happy year of the snake! Again, no regrets.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

My life for the past few weeks...

Sorry I haven't been updating as much as I should have! I was busy with the play and now NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month for those who don't know) and well, HARRY LLOYD'S BIRTHDAY! It's today! He's turning 29 today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCRUFFLES! Yep, that's his nick name that I and my friends use.
So nothing really major has happened that you would care about. I just want to address something that happened no less than 12 hours ago.
I hate trolls. I hate real life trolls (otherwise known as assholes) and I have one. I want him to stay away from me and no matter how bitchy I am, he doesn't get the message. He purposely pushes my buttons mostly offline, but it has bled into Facebook. So I finally unfriended him. I'm going to ignore him or tell him to piss off. Quite frankly, I already have someone who angers me by existing already, so I don't need him. So on assholes or trolls or what ever, just forget them. And if you ever have to apologize for who you are because of them or anyone for that matter, don't. Use sarcasm or something to defuse it all and walk away triumphant.
In other news, I'm going the whole day without a spoon. Apparently Liam (yes from one direction.) doesn't use spoons because of a fear of them. So in a way, you can say I'm living in the life of Liam Payne. I've made it through breakfast, but my dad says he's making soup to see how I handle it with no spoon. It's been kinda difficult so props to him.
I don't think there's much else to say. I'm going on a major drawing spree with CBaHC, so check for new "castings".
Doodle of the Day:
Here's a new character in the book named Ros Barquelle. Yes, she is related to Alyanna. Good times.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

2 weeks of school gone.

I had plans two weekends ago. You know what happened? I got sick. Not just a cold, oh no. Come on, that would be too easy. You want to know what I got? The chicken pox. I'm 16 and I got the chicken pox and now I have several craters on my forehead from it. In fact, I have several craters all over from it. Not only that, but I have a full seven days of school work to make up. Oh, and I have a debate on Tuesday I have to be prepared for on Monday. It's ridiculous. I've been going mad because all I've had for company is my family and my phone. It's not the same as seeing people.
While I was sick I watched Quarantine, Silent Hill, and pretty much season 1 of Pretty Little Liars. I also watched The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for the 28th time and got a bit further in The Mighty Boosh.
Quick reviews of the new stuff:
Quarantine: It left me saying "Fair enough" at the end. I literally said that at the end of the movie. The way they decided to tell the story was interesting and a bit limiting. It was pretty well done.
Silent Hill: I love this movie. I actually had to look away once or twice. It's, in a phrase, a mind game wrapped in hellish visions and blood. I love love LOVE it! If you can watch it, do! And the fact that they made a second film with Kit Harrington that's being released later this month is perfect. That is on my movie list.
Pretty Little Liars: It can get a bit boring, but the story sucks you in. If A was a serial killer hell bent on revenge, killing all those close to the main girls, that would be the best show ever. Unfortunately, A is only into mind games. Such a pity. The only complaint is that Hanna says in one of the episodes, "Meredith isn't a cute girl name." I seriously paused it and yelled at the screen, "Bitch please!" If I needed another reason not to like her. Now if Aria had said that, I would have felt betrayed. Aria is cool.
So that's what I've been up to. I've also learned some of the harmonies to One Direction songs as well as a bit of "I Want" on the piano. Yes, I am fully aware that I need social interaction ASAP. I'm working on it.
Doodle of the Day:
I actually drew this today on a post it note with a pen. I'm terrible with pens if you couldn't tell. This one doesn't suck as much as the others.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I'm going mainstream! HELP!

Normally, I take pride in my hipster sort of taste. I love when I can introduce my friends to new shows and music. I'm into vintage clothing and movies that are more artsy and under the radar.
About a week ago, I felt myself going mainstream in the music department... and dear lord I don't want to stop. You know how I came out as a Jedward fan? Well, no one knows about Jedward in my area, so I kept my whole hipster thing. But now I have really crossed the line into mainstream...
My next confession:
One Direction.
I know you must be disappointed in me and I am too! And I feel like I'm beginning to fancy (one or two) them... it's probably just because they're English (Well, Niall is Irish.) See? I shouldn't know that.
Anyway, I have found that 1D facts are hilarious. Regardless if you love them or hate them, you should just look them up. You get the occasional boring one, but some of the quotes are priceless. I highly encourage anyone with no life and way too much time on their hands to check it out.
Sorry for the lack of updates by the way. There hasn't been much to report on because my life right now is really boring and filled with school work. Speaking of which, I should get back to finishing my French project.
Doodle of the Day:
Here's the picture of Harry I painted in honor of him sending me an autographed picture. At least I'll still have him... He will always be the first Harry I think of regardless of Harry Styles.

Monday, September 17, 2012

My life is too awesome right now.

Yes. Be jealous. Be very jealous.
I'm going to have to keep this quick because I'm currently procrastinating on my APEuro homework, but that's okay. This was only one of the birthday presents from my aunt. She's the best, obviously. I was literally sobbing when I opened this up. It totally picked me up after my mom and I had a massive fight. I should really get back to answering study guide questions...
I got this with a copy of the Iron Lady, The Mighty Boosh DVD set, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (finally!), and an order for a copy of the Avengers. 
Again, be very jealous.

Doodle of the Day:
CAUTION!!! SPOILERS FOR CBaHC!!!  oh what the hell...
Yeah, it's the death of Lady Barquelle. Aaron looks way too much Hiccup, but oh well. It was completely unintentional. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

On the Politics of Theater

First off, I auditioned, got a call back, and got cast as an extra. At first I was happy, but that only lasted for a second. I looked at the names of the other extras and saw that two of them could not act their way out of a cardboard box. I looked at the smaller roles for females and realized that I could easily out act two of them. I sat there contemplating what all of this meant. Was I not that strong of an actress as I thought? Were they just so good I couldn't see it? No. I know I'm a strong actress. The whole thing deals with politics.
#1 one of the girls, who is a year younger and is not a strong actress at all, got into one of the smaller parts. Why? Her brother is a gem in the theater community and her parents are the presidents of the parent booster's club.
#2 a girl in my grade, who was cast once in middle school her 8th grade year, was cast as another small role. Her parents are in the booster as well.
#3 The other extras that aren't that talented? Yeah, well, guess who have parents in the booster? Them. Me? No. My parents didn't have the time even though I begged them last year.
And I've had it about to my ears with politics. Think about it logically, if a person is a good actor, they should be cast. If a person isn't as strong of an actor, they should be in the back ground or not cast at all. But oh no. Only if you have connection do you get a relatively decent role or one that is way above your deserving.
I'm sorry for all of this. I've already had my scoop of self pity mint chip ice cream, but I still kinda feel like shit considering all of it. I had allowed myself to dream that I could make it to one of the bigger parts, and that's what crushed me. I'm sure my therapist will hear about this on Monday. I'm going to talk to my theater teacher as well and see what I can improve on. A lot of people try to comfort me in times like this, tell me to just keep auditioning. I get so angry when people do that though. I mean, who do they think I am? I'm not one to just quit! So I cry a bit, eat my feelings for a while, but I always get back up with a smile the next day and attack it like it's new. I've had a fair share of disappointments. I most certainly have. I just hate how people think I'll quit because of one. I just remember what my old theater teacher told me when I asked him where I could improve. "They're going to notice you. I know that because I noticed you." Every time I remember that, I always start to tear up. If not, I start to bawl harder. That's what I'm doing now. Bawling harder. But what ever. By tomorrow I'll be smiling and working again. Right now, I'm going to write more to Captain Bones and just immerse myself in the story. Maybe I'll even imagine that Aaron is real.
Doodle of the day:
This is the picture I did before the one of Noel at the pool.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Outsiders and Procrastination!

So, my school is putting on the Outsiders and auditions are this week. I'm signed up for Wednesday, but I'm still kinda nervous. #1, there is a new theater teacher. She's really nice and I love her, but it's still change. #2, she is having us perform monologues for our auditions. I've only been used to cold readings. I'm glad that we're doing monologues because there's a whole lot more preparation that can be done. But again, it's still a change. I just hope I do well especially because dramatic work is my forte.
And I'm still procrastinating on all the home work I should be doing. Yay! Well, I really should do that. Nothing else has been happening lately. With hope I can get all of my homework done and hop over to Michael's for some gears and chains for some jewelry. One thing's for sure, jewelry making always keeps me entertained. I'd even say I like it more that sewing.
Doodle of the Day:
In honor of the new season of Doctor Who with a Dalek episode starting off the season, here's a Dalek I drew a while ago. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Quicky updates!

Sorry for the lack of posts. School has started up again so I've been pretty busy. Not only with school, but with Captain Bones as well. I've hit chapter 19 and page 112! YAY!
Also, I met with James (at the Wisconsin tournament I mentioned back in June) again and finally got to meet Josh. Here's a quick picture.
I also met Joe and Matt. My friend Brianna (in the picture with me) told Joe she liked his face and it was priceless. It took him a full five seconds to respond. I smile every time I see this picture, but I also seem to look out of place. Maybe it's just me or the fact that I'm still trying to realize that both times I met James, it wasn't a dream. It almost seems like deja vu. Then again, maybe that's just because my friend reacted to the news of my trips with "You two are going to have beautiful children!" and I always reply with a tentative thanks.
Also in updates, I did cut my hair short. That's not as exciting though. And I went to comic con, but more on that later.
So time for the doodle of the day!
I doodled another version of this woman in debate class, so I drew her again, but this time with color. Ms. Teagarden said she liked it, so I'll probably send her this with my homework.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Artsy films, my "type"/ new unhealthy obsessions, and procrastination

So I'll be quick with the first one. I have 3 days to make my Hawkeye costume and 5 days to make a corset that I only have the pattern for. I have always been a procrastinator, but this is pretty bad even for me. Not to mention school starts in less than 2 weeks and I still haven't read a book and done an essay on it for AP European History.
Now to my new unhealthy obsessions! I'm now madly in love with Noel Fielding, Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush (I have Mr. Fielding to thank for that), and I've fallen in love with Dimitri from the animated movie Anastasia all over again. I know it's sad, but come on. Every little girl had a crush on an animated character before! Some continue into high school... Anyway, off of that stunningly animated con man. NOEL FIELDING! My god this man is brilliant! I've kinda notice that I'm beginning to develop a "type". You know when a person of the opposite gender uses the excuse "you're just not my type" as a nice way of telling you "not interested at all" but it always seems more rude? Yeah. "Types" exist. Mine just happens to be older guys with dark hair, light eyes, leaner, and a funny or sweet personality. Examples: Harry Lloyd, 28, dark brown hair, light green eyes, tall and skinny. Noel Fielding, 39, dark hair, light blue eyes, fairly lean. Jonas Armstrong, 31, brown hair, green eyes (I'm pretty sure), willowy. Bam. Now there are exceptions like any rule, like Russell Howard, Chris Evans, and Jack Gleeson, but it seems to be a common theme I've noticed.
But here's what I want to talk about. Bunny and the Bull. I just finished watching it and I was blown away. It's wildly inappropriate with all the sex, full frontal nudity, and cussing, so don't watch it with your parents. But it was insanely well written and it was filmed in a very artsy way. So this guy Stephan basically goes through his trip through Europe with his friend Bunny and this girl they pick up, named Eloisa, and how he got to the OCD state he's presented in (in the beginning of the movie). The transitions are really interesting, like how they transitioned to the Swiss hotel by using a snow globe, and the sets were so creative! They made a bar out of cartons with milk bottles and highway overpasses out of newspaper! Well, it looked like it. It was too cool! And when you see the bull, it's a machine! It's basically a steampunk bull! It was so amazing! It made me laugh so much and this is definitely on my list of favorite movies. And it left me with a warm fuzzy feeling when it ended. And Noel Fielding is in it. If that doesn't sell you, I don't know what will.
So that's it for me! Oh wait! Doodle of the Day!
And to go with the whole Noel Fielding theme, it's Noel Fielding! I drew this at the pool when I was there for 5 hours. I also drew Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff. I'll post that one later.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Ghosts, Vampires, and Werewolves... oh my!

Original title, I know. So I'm back (I've been back for a while, but that doesn't matter) and I've been trying to find ways to pass the time. I'm getting ready for Bristol and Wizard World (I'm going as a female Hawkeye and my friend is going as a female Loki) and I've stumbled into the awesome side of YouTube and Netflix!
I've watched Never Mind the Buzzcocks before and I've gotten back in and it's fantastic! Noel Fielding is absolutely brilliant every episode! I've just watched the Doctor Who special and I couldn't stop laughing. I really recommend watching an episode or two because it is bloody brilliant!
Another show that I've stumbled upon (this one is on Netflix) is That Mitchell and Webb Look. I love David Mitchell so much and Robert Webb is hysterical. Some of the sketches are dull and really stupid, but there are a few that are fantastic! My favorites are "Kill the Poor" and "Casino Royal". I don't know if that's the actual names, but it's the ones on YouTube.
And the last series that I am quickly becoming addicted to is Being Human (the UK version). It's about a  ghost named Annie, a werewolf who's such a sweetie named George, and a sensitive (and extremely attractive) vampire named Mitchell. I love all the twists and turns and I've only watched the first 5 episodes. I have found my Lleu, Lugus, and Diamaid for Captain Bones and Her Crew (if it becomes a movie) in the show! I love this series sooo much! Please, if you have the chance, go check it out! After I finish as much as Netflix has on the UK version, I'm going to see how different the US version is. Might as well.
Also really quickly, I just finished reading Hero by Perry Moore and it was freaking amazing. It's about time a gay kid who wants to be a superhero get's his story told! Loved it so much! If you have a chance to read it, do!
That's pretty much it! Enjoy the week!
Doodle of the Day:
This was my trial on PaintTool Sai. It was the first time I used it (before I left) and I like it, but for my realistic stuff, I'm going to stay on Corel Painter Essentials 4.

Monday, July 16, 2012

San Francisco and Canopy Beds

Okay so I'm back from my week long trip to San Francisco and it was the best! There were 19 different choirs from all over the globe and it was eye opening. I made so many friends from Connecticut to the Democratic Republic of Georgia. And there were comic shops and more importantly, GHIRARDELLI CHOCOLATE!! I got a big bag of dark chocolate. ^-^ I was a very happy camper.
So some of the people I met were Irina (from Georgia), Morgan (he was from Connecticut), and another Meredith from Australia. All of them were super nice and really cool to talk to. I'm keeping in touch with them so that's awesome. But they all look so young! I thought Irina and Morgan were my age, but they're  seniors in high school. And I thought Meredith was a junior or senior in high school, but no. She's 23 and married. Everyone look so much younger than they actually were (except for this German kid that looked older, but he was actually my age) and apparently our choir looked older!
But more importantly than all the people and trying to guess ages, I got to know the girls in my choir a lot better. I had a chance to talk to some of the seniors more as well as the juniors. Not to mention I got to know the 8th graders more too. I knew the other sophomore and freshies before (I was rooming with them) and I got to experience how immature they were. It got to the point of me moving to another room because of it. But anyway, there are so many cool girls in my choir that I didn't know because I was so used to only talking with the people I was comfortable with. It turns out that they're the annoying ones.
Off of the San Francisco trip and in other news, I'm going to (hopefully) be getting a canopy bed! Yay! The only problem is that I found one I really like for $170, but my parents aren't convinced. Here's the link to the bed! Does have it or know some one who does? And if so, do you/ would they suggest it? 170 seems pretty low for a nice canopy bed frame and I've read the bad reviews (as well as the good). Anything will help thanks!
Doodle of the Day:
Here are the characters for the Crystaline story/comic I'm developing! I tried using Marvel style on this one, but they looked wrong. I'm just going to do it in my style and if it does become a legit comic, what ever company will have to suck it up, because this is how they look. Done.
That reminds me, I got into a few comic series and I highly suggest all of them. (namely Wild Children (one shot comic), The Runaways (Marvel), and the Adventure Time comics aren't bad as well.)

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Today felt like 100 degrees, though it was only in the 90s. Add humidity and just shoot me now. Oh and guess what I was wearing? A black turtleneck, jeans, black boots, and a navy hat. I'm a genius, I know. You may be wondering how stupid I am for wearing that. #1 It's cold in my school. I had summer school all day not because I'm stupid, but because I wanted to get a course out of the way for next year. #2 I was robbing a house and that is the appropriate attire. It was for theater camp. I was portraying my character Penny Howard (a 20 year old British art student) after she robbed a house with her friend. We had a prompt and that's what we came up with.
Back to the heat, I love the warmth. I love summer because it isn't freezing out and it's nice and sunny most of the time. But I have dark hair and it's medium length. And I hate it. My head is feels so heavy and just too warm. So I wanted to cut my hair off to a shorter length, but my family advises against it. So to them I say "Piss off and let my do what I want with my hair." Normally I listen to my family's advice, but today I just kinda said "Screw you." I'm not gonna get a bad haircut with no other opinions and just be screwed, but I'm just not wanting to deal with it. I'll talk to my hairdresser and see what she thinks. Because usually (in terms of hair) my family is wrong.
Wow, a paragraph about hair. What have I come to?! Well, now that summer is here, I can focus on writing more. I haven't really added anything to CBaHC, but I started a new story just for fun. It's called The Crystal Castle and basically surrounds my inside jokes, but the darker side. Like the kid from my angry rant. He's my "high priest" in the whole inside family tree/cult thing. I get into a fight with him and kick him out. It's quite nice. And there's an adorable goblin named Odaie (Oh-day-ee)! I scare the crap out of him, but it's made okay with a glass of cocoa. So basically a guy named Ross goes out to "turn the goddess good" because of a request of his dead sister Elodie. Here's the "legend" of the goddess in the crystal castle as told by Grandmother Oddy.
Once upon a time, there was a castle made of crystals in the fiery deserts. It was a beacon of light, the sun’s beams shattering as soon as it hit the green and white crystal towers. In this castle there lived a goddess as beautiful as she was villainous. She lived with her goblin servants and caused trouble from her rooms. She would stand in her green glass study over an orb that showed her the world. When she would touch the orb, the smoke inside would swirl faster and show her who ever she wished. She would touch the image of the person and close her eyes. And she would imagine what ever she wished and the person would experience it. Sometimes the person caught fire, sometimes their heart would suddenly stop. Others would fall into a deep depression and take their own lives. From her crystal castle, she would cause her mischief and no one ever stood in her way. For if they tried, she would know, and they would be dead before they could even see her magnificent castle.
            “Legend has it, that if you travel west far enough, the sand will turn to glass. For a week into the glass one must go before being able to see her castle, if she lets you live that long,” Grandmother Oddy recited to her grandchildren.
 I have twelve pages written up and maybe I'll post it on deviantart or maybe even a new blog. I doubt a new blog though. I don't think I'll ever finish it. But yeah. I've been talking with a friend (and my high priestess in the book) who is also writing a book (the main character is based off of me and she's ginger! YES!) and she's really been helping me out.
So, Doodle of the Day:

 Here's Odaie the little goblin that works in the crystal castle. He's such a cutie and I hope to bring him into the story more. This was just a doodle of him from my health workbook (because the class was super easy and super boring most of the time.) I also drew the goddess, Meredia, and a few other doodles, so I'll be posting those with hope, maybe even some of them colored and all nice and digital! Yay!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My knight in battered armor

So yesterday I did meet James Fairclough and Shane Adams from Full Metal Jousting. It was an absolute blast! Shane is super nice and James is such a gentleman.
So we woke up super early to drive three hours to get to the the Hanna City Olde English Faire. I was such a city girl on the way there. I got excited over the huge fields and the occasional cow. Not to mention I was gushing over how cute a small town we passed through was...
We got there at around 10:30, an hour before the first joust. That's when I met Shane and started talking to him. He told us about how he was trying to bring jousting back and all the politics that go into getting a second season of FMJ. He was so inspirational. It took him 20 years to get his dream up and going and a few years, he was living in his truck. In mid conversation, I kinda looked over to the side (because my mom was doing a lot of the talking) and I saw James walking over. He came over and recognized me! He didn't say it verbally, but he recognized me! And then my mom did some more talking with him too.
Look at that! See?! I did meet them! James only participated in the gauntlet the first joust, but he kicked butt in the second joust! He went up against Robert Combs and TJ Duquette and won both times! He has skill. But oh my gosh those two are fantastic! If you EVER have a chance to meet either of them, go. You will never regret it, even if it is a three hour car ride.
And James told me about an FMJ tournament in Madison, Wisconsin while I was there. I'm getting my friends and we're going. It's in August and more of the guys will be there. I believe he said Rope, both Joshes, and Jake were a few that were going. I can't freaking wait!
There's your doodle. It's from a while back and was inspired by the music from Riverdance's Fire dance.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I'm going to meet James Fairclough... OH MY FROGS!

So this'll be quick because I have stuff to do.
James just messaged me on Facebook and told me he is going to be jousting in my area and ask me to let him know if he was going. OH MY FROGS!!! And my parents said yes to it (but there was no "no" option for it...) and I'M GOING TO MEET JAMES FREAKING FAIRCLOUGH AND SHANE AND OTHER GUYS FROM FMJ!!! AND HE INVITED ME!!! HOLY MOTHER OF DAVE THE DEMON LORD THIS IS FANTASTIC! Well I have to calm down now and do my health homework but I just felt the need to share that...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tread lightly

You know what freaking pisses me off to no end? Kiss asses. Am I the only one? While I do enjoy a compliment every now and then, some people do it to no end. I was texting a guy I know and he's a MAJOR kiss ass. I know he wants to start a relationship but he doesn't understand that I'm still in mental recovery from a breakdown (that he knows I went through) and I HAVE ZERO INTEREST! I don't know how he doesn't know. I ignored his texts until today. So we're texting and he starts doing this whole role play thing, which I just played along to because I didn't care what we were talking about I was so bored. So I was my usual character (The Warrior Goddess. Remember the family tree? Yeah. He's in on that.) and he was my high priest. Then he pulls this random crap about some king and an invasion, but the details change. So I call him out on it and basically claimed that he was lying. The one sign of lying that really let's you know something's up is changing stories. It's rule number one! So he's all offended and trying to lie his way out of it and I call his bull.
Then, we start talking out of this whole role play crap. The whole "what's up?" sort of thing. I tell him about my internet connection acting funky... well... my mom was thinking it was funky when it wasn't and I made a joke about my mom. Then he starts asking questions about my mom and my relationship. It was like, "Mom... idiot? what? Why is your mom an idiot? Do you not like her? Step mom? Don't you love your mom?" WHAT THE F***?! It is none of his f***ing business! I don't get along with my mother 95% of the time and quite frankly, I don't think of her as my mother. This is where he crosses my boundary. I tell him I don't want to talk about it and he respects that. So I'm calm now that I dodged that bullet. Then he asks, "Are you still willing to do that relationship?" and he adds crap like "I understand if you don't because you like someone else or you aren't ready which I respect." And before that I was texting my other friend about it because she's playing wing woman for him and was asking me that question before he actually asked it. That just pisses me off. I can't stand people getting a middle man to do all the work for them. I understand if it's because you can't directly contact the other person, but he can text me. There was no need to involve my friend! I really just wanted to text him back "PISS THE F*** OFF YOU KISS ASS!" but I didn't.
I told him no because he had to get his wing woman to ask me first. And then he was denying asking her to do that. I believe him on that one. Then he's starting to apologize and I can sense the whole pity card being played. I have a pretty good bull shit detector, and it was going off. I called him out on it and he started ranting about how mean I was and how he was just trying to be nice. Then, he started apologizing after that.
This is where I said "PISS THE F*** OFF YOU KISS ASS!" but in a different way. I said,
"Well I'm sorry that I seem mean but it's who I am! If you don't like it, screw you! I'm blunt and mean, but at least I'm honest! And I'm not a coward! I don't care what you or the rest of the world thinks because I will NOT change myself in order to please anyone. I have lived through hell only relying on myself. I should have just kept to myself and fixed it because I'm obviously the only person I can rely on."
So he's like, oh you're interesting and pretty and I just want the best for you. Like hell you do you self serving ass! You just want a relationship. I know the way he flirts with girls! So I tell him to back off and don't try to get any closer and he comes back with.
"Okay, fine. I'm sorry. All I ever wanted was to give you someone to be nice to you and to be your companion to treat you right, and to love you for you. But obviously you don't want that. So I'm sorry for trying that"
 He obviously doesn't know me since that is the opposite of what I want. I want someone who can put up with me at my worst and who I can trust. If he loves me for me in the process, awesome. Maybe something can happen, but I'm still in mental recovery. I can't love yet. And he's a f***ing 8th grader (incoming freshman). I'm going into sophomore year of high school and I still don't have a clue about what love really is and I am mature for my age. So I didn't respond. Basically if he tries to text me or even talk to me any time in the near future (though I'll probably be over this tomorrow), I will tell him to piss off. I don't care. I could be the villain for all I care.I will tell him to piss the f*** off.
And there I am, on my throne as a villain. I may be the Warrior Goddess, but I am fine with being a villain with that title. I don't tolerate liars, thieves, cowards and kiss asses. If that makes me the villain, I'll play the villain. I'm already the villain in my own story, so you can take your hero crap somewhere else. You either love me or hate me. Nothing in between. So the part of the world that doesn't like me, piss off. I'll see you in my throne room where I'll be on the thrown and you'll be on your knees. Tread lightly. If you lie to me, you will pay. And that is not a threat. That is a promise.

Geeze! Sorry for the angry rant! This was fairly recent, like earlier tonight recent, so I guess this is more detailed than what it should have been. Until next time! (when I promise I'll have a happy entry)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

SWEET FREEDOM... until Monday...

Finals are done and summer is here. Well, until Monday for me... Yep, I have summer school for (I think) 2 weeks before I can just relax. 7:30 - 3(or 4) every day. It's not that  bad though. In the morning I have Health class (which allows me to take Sales in the school year... yay?) and for the rest of the afternoon I have theater! Yay! I can be a mongoose again without anyone questioning why! Well... I may not get to be a mongoose again, but it's still gonna be a blast. I guess that doesn't leave a lot of time for writing in CBaHC, but that's okay. Did I tell you last week? Or did you check the page? I FINALLY FINISHED THE BATTLE SCENE!!!! The only problem I face now is how to get them back on the ship...
Oh and in other news, my twitter account almost got hacked. Yep. I clicked a link, tried to sign in, and got booted out. I texted my friend (who private messaged me the link... or so I thought) and she didn't know what was going on. She had been hacked and I was about to. Great. So, thanks to my awesome quick thinking, I changed my password and waited. The person tried to hack me again, but I was too smart for them! Ha ha hacker, ha ha.
Also, I'm seeing The Avengers again to day with my little brother and friend Hadley. She's going to be fangirling over Thor and Loki while I fangirl over Captain America. My brother is going to hate us for this... Oh well. He wanted to go! In honor of us going, I drew Loki for her.
So that's all the news for me... I'm trying to fix a Jedward picture up because the original sucked. I still can't believe I tweeted them a picture of the original... FFFFFUUUUU!!!! What ever. I just want the 26th to come sooner so I can get their album... I'm not a fangirl, I swear!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I'm coming out...

I have a confession to make. It's really big and I hope you don't hate me for it. Okay, deep breath, and here I go. I'm coming out... as a Jedward fan. Now I know you're disappointed in me, and I would be too! Basically the Justin Biebers of Ireland... and I'm a fan. I have gone so low as to say today, "I need my daily dose of Jedward" while frantically trying to plug my ipod into my mom's car. When I first saw them on the 8 out of 10 cats Christmas special, I thought they were the most annoying creatures this planet had. Then I started listening to their music, thinking "This isn't too bad, but there are so many better people." Just like I did for Cher Lloyd (who I am also a fan of now...) I watched the music video, listened to the song and turned it off, thinking it was bad. But then I watched it again... again... and again... and fell in love with their music. Not them though. They look like porcupines, John is annoying beyond belief (Edward is quieter and apparently normal. I like him better.), and they dress like Lady Gaga and execute it poorly. But they're not too bad when their hair is not spiked up.

It's sad I have that on my computer, isn't it? Waterline is super catchy and really good and I've becoming a fan of their song Lipstick. I'm dying for their new album Young Love to come out so I can get Waterline and Luminous on my ipod. Even though I've heard only the preview of Luminous, I'm already learning the words and in LOVE with this song. And is it bad that I can tell them apart in this picture? Okay, I'm pretty sure to the left is Edward and on the right if John. John's face is more angular, but it's not that easy to tell from this picture, but I'm pretty sure it's the twin on the right... oh my frogs just listen to me! GAAAAHHH!!! BOTH OF YOU OUT OF MY HEAD NOW!!! I just want to curl up and cry now... oh and guess who's following them on twitter now... yep. I promise I won't turn into a fan girl. I promise!
In other news, I should be studying for my math final (finals started today... yay?) so I don't fail (again) but instead I'll be rocking out to Jedward and Regina Spektor's new album (love love LOVE her) and baking dark chocolate chip cookies. The Toll House recipe is too heavenly.
Doodle of the Day!
Here's Crystaline again! She's kicking butt and taking names! I'm really proud of her anatomy and how it doesn't suck. The background is terrible, but at least one of my pictures has one this time.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Dragon's lost her touch and Marvel is amazing

Okay, I'm going to make the first part of this really super quick so I can get to this story about Marvel. (don't worry, it's not another Avengers thing)
So when I get angry, it has been described as terrifying, dragon like, scary, and "has the ability to make satin shake", but I got a new one when I was texting my friend last night. He said I'm...cute... when I'm angry. Cute?! Cute! How?! I make people feel terrible and I make them know I'm disappointed in them... and it's cute?! The hell?! I'm losing my touch! Well, enough about me and onto the next story.
Marvel is an amazing company with amazing heroes, but they're the heroes in this story, as cheesy as it sounds. I don't know if anyone has read the story, but it is fantastic.
So there's this 4 year old little boy who loves super heroes and is deaf in his right ear and has to wear a large hearing aid on his left, which he calls "Big Blue". One day this boy, Anthony, refused to use his hearing aid because superheroes don't wear hearing aids. So his mom wrote to Marvel to see if they could help in any way. They sent him Hawkeye comics (who wears a hearing aid in the comics), some pictures of him as a superhero with Hawkeye, and they created a new superhero named The Blue Ear, who's power comes from his super hearing device.
How Awesome is that?! The guys at Marvel did so much for this little boy (who I assume is wearing his hearing aid again) when they could have done so little! Marvel, you rock even more now. If your comics and heroes wasn't enough, this is just... brilliant. Just brilliant. I'm so looking forward to grabbing a Blue Ear comic if they come out. I hope they do. 
I found out about this from the Philly D show :Philly D Blue Ear! Who got it from: The Daily What.
Well, that's a heartwarming story for ya! See? I can stop bitching about my life to share an awesome story like this!
Oh and doodle of the day is...
Ash Davis: Crystaline
This is my own superhero Ash Davis, who is Crystaline! She's from the planet Pantol and crash landed on earth after her ship that was on a diplomatic mission was taken over by mutineers. She didn't know if she was a hero or villain for some time, but she's been working to be a hero. Her power is that she can create purple crystals of any shape or size pretty much anywhere she chooses. She's also good at analyzing people's intentions and situations. 
I have some old sketches that I'll post later. I've redesigned her and added more to her story, but she's always had that jewel in her chest/neck area. Her costume has kinda changed as well and now she's in a more Marvel ish style. But that's all I have for now.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I blame the Avengers for my procrastination

So I saw The Avengers last night with some friends and loved it! I'm not a big fan of super hero movies, but now, I can't stop thinking about how awesome it was! That is a major problem considering I have a big French project that I need to work on right now and I have 2/8 pop up pages drawn and colored and 1/30 or so sentences corrected and ready to copy onto the book. I'm so distracted by how funny and action packed it was and by how hot Chris Evans is. That and he looks eerily similar to America (or Alfred F. Jones) from the anime series Hetalia: Axis Powers. I mean, seriously!! I totally want to be a super hero/ villain now. I can't decide between the two. I'm more suited to be a villain, but Chris Evans's face!! I really can't decide. Well, I guess I'll go to the villains cause they're pretty cool. I also already have my own Legion of Evil... I can have Tom Hiddleston then! I also wanted to see more Hawkeye and Black Widow. They need their own movie. Both were pretty bad ass. I also need to watch the Captain America movie for Chris Evans's face...
Stick some glasses on Captain America and scruff up his hair and tell me I'm wrong.
GAAAAHHH! Stop distracting me!!! Well, after The Avengers I made it through 6 episodes of Merlin season 4 in the SECOND ANNUAL MERLIN MARATHON!!! My friends and I were so tired after the movie that we began to drink massive amounts of Monster to stay awake. We put them into shot glasses and took a shot of Monster every time they said magic, enchantment, or spell in the episode. There was one episode where they managed to avoid all three of those! It was a blast! Pretty fun times.
Well, I need to go do homework so I don't need to worry about it around my choir concert tomorrow.

Doodle of the day: 
Just a really old doodle of a girl from last year in math class. I drew so much in that class. Maybe that's why I got a C...

Monday, May 14, 2012


I really don't want to blog today and I just want to write in my book so I will. I will leave you with a new character sketch (yet another not yet written into the book, but I'm working on it!) and a snippet from chapter 2 of CBaHC! Let me fill you in. Jane just got into a fight with another crew member and Aaron was chosen to cool her off.
This is Esmeralda. She's another Ali just like Bones, but she has a dark past. And she's blind...

“Some one go calm her,” Bones commanded. The crew looked amongst themselves, looking for some one to go get her after her meltdown. Conall pushed me out into her direction. I looked back to the crew, no one willing to go instead of me. I took a deep breath and went over to Jane. I jogged over and slowed behind her, shadowing her. I obviously did something wrong because she whipped her blade out and pointed it at my throat. I held my hands up and backed away.“What do you want?” she hissed.“I…uh… needed to calm you down… or that’s what Bones said,” I stuttered. She gave me a curious and disgusted look.“They sent you? Why would they send a spineless boy like you? It seems like the only human interaction you’ve had is with your mother.” Her voice and eyes were filled with anger. I never noticed her eyes changed to slits, like a cat.“My mother is dead.” It came out harsher and quieter than I expected. She was taken aback, mouth hanging open slightly. With one blink, her eyes were back to a more human eye. Her ears dropped, as if she actually was sad for me.“I’m sorry.” She wouldn’t look at me. “My mother is dead too. I never thought…”“It’s okay. We still have memories,” I replied. She looked up, genuinely surprised.“Yeah, we do.” Both of us chuckled a bit. “You’re not a bad kid. I’m just surprised Bones is letting you come along at such a young age.”“I have twenty eight years.” Jane’s mouth dropped again.“You? A weak, scared, awkward kid, I mean, man, like you has twenty eight years? You’re just full of surprises.” We began to walk back to the rest of the group now that Jane wasn’t a danger to anyone.“I’m not weak. I’m just lanky. Believe it or not, I’m a pretty good shot with a bow. I’m not a bad swordsman either,” I said. Jane seemed impressed by this.

Monday, May 7, 2012

I'm a mongoose!

So, I'm feeling better, especially after some good ol' acting. For theater class, we have to act as animals, so I picked the majestic mongoose. I'm really enjoying myself, though I only really eat, sleep, drink water, and explore. I have to do a slice of life tomorrow, so I have decided to eat an egg. Yes, mongooses or mongeese or what ever you call them (I like mongeeses because everyone can agree its wrong) can crack open and eat eggs. I'm really excited to try it out. Here's the doodle of the day in honor of mongeeses.

This is the mongoose person Layla from Captain Bones and her Crew. Well... she's not actually written in yet, but I'm planning on it! So that's in honor of mongeeses. Cause they're that cool.
Also, I'm feeling much better now that all the stress is gone. I think I just needed a day off. Mental Health day, YAY!

Monday, April 30, 2012

I'm really not in the mood

I really don't want to blog right now, but I feel like it's been too long since I have. I don't want to talk let alone type. I changed the design of the blog again. The other one was too hard to read.
Here's your picture of the day. I did this when I was feeling better yesterday. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

I'm sorry, the owner of this blog died from fangirling...

Okay, so I've received a private message from the freaking James Fairclough and he said he "would like to give me something in return" for all the support (on Wednesday) and it came in the mail today! First class with delivery confirmation all the way from New Jersey came *cue drum roll*

JAME'S FREAKING SHIRT FROM FULL METAL JOUSTING SIGNED TO ME AND EVERYTHING!!!! OH MY FROGS! (sorry, new euphemism I'm trying to use instead of "oh my god" because some people are offended by it (which I don't really care about) and it's another thing to add to the whole Meredith-isms that I have. I'm also (upon request of a friend) trying to use the word "bubbler" instead of drinking fountain.) He even said it was the shirt he used! And you can tell it has been worn. My dad showed me all the things to look for when seeing if a shirt has been worn. I was expecting a signed picture or something *cough restraining order cough* but no, James just had to be too amazing and awesome and had to send me his shirt. It smells nice too. (he said it would smell like horse, but it doesn't or if it did, Superman is a very nice smelling horse) And what makes this even better is that the whole "Team Hammer" thing connects to another shirt I have.
I'm the one with the "Team Fairclough" shirt and yes, he has seen this. I think that was one of the things that made him realize that I was a fangirl. I'm just in utter shock though. I never expected to get something that cool from THE James Fairclough. And he even sent a message to ask if I got it! He's so sweet! Honestly, if I ever meet James, I don't think I will be able to contain myself or keep myself from running and hugging him. Nope. Won't happen. I think my parents would have to hold me back...
Well, I can't wait for season 2! I wonder if anyone will be as awesome as the Hammer...
Oh! I've been forgetting a doodle of the day  What was I talking about?! I just don't have a new one to show you. (I haven't been drawing all that much) So here it is!
This is an early tablet drawing of Mr. Harry Lloyd as Viserys Targaryen! (Still love him!) I feel like I should draw Viserys again, but I HAVE NO MOTIVATION!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

R.I.P. My dignity

I feel I should rename my  blog to "Day in the Life of a Fan Girl." So, what's new? James Fairclough (my husband on the family tree) freaking posted on my facebook wall. This is old news, but there isn't much to talk about other than that. I'm way too lazy to take a screen shot. I'm so tired right now. Also, I'm getting a shirt for Full Metal Jousting. It says "Team Fairclough" on the back in sparkly letters. I was supposed to get it today, but the girl giving it to me (who I don't know. We're connected by a friend who is a fan of the show as well.) wasn't at school. I'm a tiny bit disappointed, but she had more important things to do. I got my friend Delainy hooked on the series (Matt is her fav, then Rope) and we decided Paul Suda should be prince charming at Disney land and Josh Knowles should be on the cover of a romance novel targeting 40+ year old women and his character's name would be Fabio. It was a very interesting conversation. We're deciding on the rest later. Oh, and here's my most recent FMJ picture for the art contests on Sunday.
Josh Avery for my friend Katelyn! 
I finished this right after he lost for my friend. She was really bummed that he didn't win. His hair was a bitch though. DAMN YOUR BEAUTIFUL LOCKS! Sorry. I'm so tired and I really want to do stuff, but life won't let me. Stupid life. Quit punching me. So... yeah. Nothing really new. I hope everyone has an awesome Weekend! I'm going to a friend's hockey game with my bio teacher so I'll post a picture of the sign later. It's really glittery. Lots of fun.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Black like my soul!

I'm not  going emo. Don't worry about that. I dyed my hair black recently and when my friend noticed, she just stated, "your hair is black." And since she was in on the whole Demonlord family joke, I just yelled back "LIKE MY SOUL!!" Needless to say the people around me were all freaked out a bit, but then she replied, "Mer, you don't have a soul, remember? Dave took it." It made my life so much better. Then she showed me what I would look like reincarnated as a cat.
Yeah, that's pretty accurate... 
Okay, so I have two fan girl moments dealing with my "husband" James Fairclough.
#1. I asked him on twitter if was him.
Guess who got a reply! I was screaming my head off when I saw this on April fool's day. It wasn't an April fool's day joke though. And I realized what that meant and screamed some more. I told everyone I could.

#2. In theater class, we had to direct tableaus about what we did over spring break. Since I did nothing, I talked about watching Full Metal Jousting when James won his joust. So I decided to tweet about it. I didn't even directly tweet to him. Guess what happened?

My friends were there to witness my insane fan girl moment then. It was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. *dies from excessive fan girling* 
I think that sums everything up for me. Oh and I'm getting duct taped to a tree today. I'll upload a picture from that as soon as I can.
Oh and I fixed the picture of James, so here's your picture of the day.


Friday, March 30, 2012

Justin Bieber is a pharaoh?

Okay, I am forcing myself to blog today. Too bad I can't force myself to do anything else today.
I went to see a production of Joseph and the Technicolor Coat with my lil bro and neighbor. So we're sitting there in a theater full of small children who are noisy as hell before the show starts, just waiting. A guy comes out and gives the whole "no cell phones" schpeel and runs off. As soon as they start, I realize it is a modernized version of the show. I'm thinking  "Oh this is going to be interesting... taking a bible story and shaping it to a stage in the round and modernizing it. Hm, I wonder what challenges they faced. Ooh, the guy playing Joseph (later named Nate, the understudy) has a good voice and a nice face... a nice face indeed." So all of a sudden, the guy Joseph gets sold to after his brothers sell him into slavery (I forget the name) comes on. Aaaaannndddd.... it's Donald Trump. It was hilarious. So after they go through that part of the story and the part after it (which Nate the understudy had a nice song in and showed off his amazing voice) they come to the pharaoh. And they start singing to the tune of Justin Bieber's song Baby. I look back to where the pharaoh is and almost burst out laughing. There's a guy with a hoodie, sagging jeans, white sneakers, a microphone, and flippy blonde hair standing as "pharaoh". I almost cried laughing so hard. "Pharaoh" Bieber even taught Joseph how to do the hair flip. It was one of the greatest things I ever saw. They nailed Bieber as well. The actor playing him was a little too good.
Anyway, I still need to give you your picture of the day!
It's just a preview of Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark. I'm working on it. I'm so excited for season 2 of Game of Thrones! I love Sansa's character and Sophie Turner is too pretty!!! Well, I should probably finish the second book before watching the series... Also, is it wrong that if I was a character in Game of Thrones, I'd want Robert Baratheon as my father and Cersei Lanister as my mother? Even though she's a terrible human being, I'd still want to call her "mother"...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Religion and other things that I have written about that could cause concern...

Okay, so today, I had an English essay due today on the novel, Ellen Foster by Kaye Gibbons. Out of all the topics I could have chosen to do an essay on, like racism, family, money, I have to chose the most controversial one that may or may not end up with me in the guidance office after spring break. I chose to analyze Ellen's relationship with God and compare it to an imaginary friend. Yep. "There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin." Linus, where were you when I was writing my essay?! I won't tell you what it is about, but I'll give you the title. "The Universal Imaginary Friend." I'm going to hell for sure. I wasn't bashing Christianity or anything! I was just comparing god to an imaginary friend. I swear! I never denied that God exists, nor did I prove it. I said, and I quote from my own essay, "God is like the imaginary friend that many people of the world share. He is the companion no one can prove exists, but he may still exist." I'm not bashing God, but I'm not supporting him either. As my friend Sarah would say, I'm walking on the line of neutrality. Long story short, I'm going to hell. Maybe Dave can get me a job...
I've also started on a short story I may or may not use for my short story unit in English class. It's about a serial killer and how she tortures and kills her last victim. I'm going for the whole parallel on the seven deadly sins and good vs. evil thing. Here's a section of it! (I'm going to the guidance office for sure if I use it...)
“From your cousin’s description of you, I knew you would say that. Seems you have quite a problem with your… pride,” she replied. Alfred’s blood ran cold with recognition. Vicky let that same smile from the funeral creep onto her face. “Gotcha.” She left the room only to come back in with a roll of fabric, containing several knives, needles, scalpels, and vials. She opened it up and four wooden legs shot from the corners. It had transformed itself into a table. Alfred was now terrified for his life. She took a pair of black leather gloves off of the table and put them on. Then, she took a dark hair band and tied her hair back. “Let’s begin.” She chose a needle and took out thirty milliliters of a dark blue liquid and injected it into Alfred’s arm. 
I know where I'll be spending my next few weeks if I turn that in! I hate having such controversial things! Life would so much easier if we could just speak freely and have no one care.
There's your picture for the day. It's a really old one from math class last year. I still like it though. It's one of the better ones in the notebook. I never paid (or pay) attention in math. I probably should considering I do poorly on a good portion of the tests...

Friday, March 16, 2012

New Level of Fangirling!

Okay, so I think my fangirling has gotten out of hand...
Today, I was replying to a comment on Deviantart (alaskanair if you're curious and want to add me to your watch) on my picture of James Fairclough. We had gotten into a little chat about the show. So she mentions that James has a twitter. I immediately ask my mom if I could get a twitter account so I could follow James. (username is AuntieMeredith btw if you want to follow me) I am so glad I did. I got onto Twitter and under my news feed when I logged on a few minutes ago was James duct taped to the wall with the caption, "not easy being the little guy." My life is perfect. Just plain perfect. I love it. So much...
I should probably explain my user name a bit huh? Well, it all started when I needed someone to blame when my P.E. shorts went missing. I blamed the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord was later named Dave because a demon lord needs a name that screams "FEAR ME! I WORK IN A CUBICAL!!" Dave screamed that for me. So through a confusing series of family relations, I became his sister and had three kids (my middle school friends), my drama teacher became our father, I have two other siblings, and Dave got married to my friend Jessica and had twin girls. That was all last year. Since then, Dave has gotten divorced, remarried (to my friend Brianna), and now has another daughter, Jessica, who is dating Dalton. I am then Jessica, Abby, and Roxy's (the twins) Aunt. And technically Dalton's aunt too, even though he's a pathetic excuse of a post it note on the family tree... So I tell them, "Just call me Auntie!" in a voice that scares or amuses them all. So that's the whole auntie and family thing... I also apparently am now married to James Fairclough... I was not aware of this until two days ago (my friends decided for me), but I have no objections... ;) *wink wink*
Here's your picture for the day! This is Sir Francisco from the anime Romeo x Juliet. I love love LOVE this show so much! Francisco is a lady's man and by far the funniest character on the show. It made me cry, that is how good the series is. I highly suggest you watch it. And Fun fact: I am the founder of the Sir-Francisco-FC on deviantart and I wrote my first fan fiction about this show where my character Scarlet and him have a romance. I haven't updated it for close to a year. Go writer's block!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Knights and Blondes

Boy, have I got a dumb blond story for you. Well, come to think of it, my mom is a fake blond. She's really a mousy brunette, but that's besides the point. Might I preface this story with this is completely true. I did not make up any of this. She is really this stupid.
So earlier tonight, my mom, my brother, and I went to Khol's to get some stuff. The lights in our car were still on when we were walking to the store. My mom also heard a car running, but dismissed both clues. So after about a half hour of getting lost and trying on sweatpants, we went out to the car. We noticed the lights were still on. When we got into the car, I noticed the car was still on. Yes. The car was unlocked and running for half an hour while we were shopping. Slow clap for my brilliant mother. It was so unreal, I still can't believe she was that absent minded or just plain stupid. Then again, it is my mom...
Well, there's your picture for the day. I have recently began watching Full Metal Jousting on the History channel and OH MY GOD IT'S AWESOME!!! Now, I love knights, medieval dresses, and eating with out silverware, so jousting is part of that. The show is fantastic. I'm really rooting for the black team on this one, but Jame Fairclaugh, the 25 year old, 5'10", show jumper, is my favorite by far. He's the smallest of the group, but he packs a punch. I guess that's why they call him "The Hammer". He unhorsed a guy much bigger than him during one of the first practices. That takes skill. I can't wait to see him joust (even though he's on the red team). If I were a spectator at a joust (in a big pretty dress and all that jazz), he would be the knight I would bet on. It could be just like the tournament in Game of Thrones! I would be Sansa (who I was for Halloween) and James would be Sir Loras, except he wouldn't turn out to be gay in the end. Sorry if I just spoiled anything. *sigh* I really miss chivalry, jousts, and royal balls. But I'll get a taste of that this summer during the renascence fair!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I didn't make call backs... plus a rant on things that annoy me

I'm done being angry and sorry for myself and I've accepted the fact I didn't get called back. I felt like I did a call back worthy job and so did others, but the director didn't think so. I can't help feeling biases against me were part of that. The teacher doesn't have any biases against me, but I just think he favored other people. Even though he called me a "strong young actress" and even though I got an A on my monologue first time around (which is very hard to do, even according to him), I guess it wasn't enough. So, after crying a bit, drowning my sorrows and self pity in mint chocolate ice cream, tea, and videos of Harry Lloyd, I feel much better. And I'm not one of those people who are like, "OMG I TOTALLY DIDN'T MAKE CALL BACKS!!1 OMG MY DIRECTOR IZ SUCH A D-BAG FOR NOT RECOGNIZING MY TRU TALENT!!1!! MY LIFE SUX!!!" No. I refuse to be one of those people. I just let myself feel sorry for myself, angry, and cry a bit, but by an hour or two later, I'm fine. It's the weirdest thing how it just goes away. I'm also not one of those people who think they're the most talented person on earth, when really, I suck more than Kristen Stewart. I know I'm talented, but I also know I have a lot to learn. As my theatre teacher says "having an ego is good, but you can't stop and say 'I'm good enough' or 'I'm the best'. You have to keep improving and know someone out there is better than you and always will be." Well... that was the gist of it. But what really gets my blood boiling more than call back crap is those people who think they're so that, but are really a-holes. I know a guy and used to be friends with one. He thinks he's so cool and he's the best thing since sliced bread and everyone makes fun of him for it. And after doing one scene as a character from a play that went up in the fall, and not even seeing the play, he thinks he did better than the guy that was casted, and he told him so. I really want to punch him in the face for that.
Moral of the story, don't be like that guy. Never stop learning. Someone is always better than you, but that should only push you to try and do better than that person and all the people that are better than them.
Oh and to those who TYPE IN ALL CAPS WHEN THEY'RE MAD AND USE WEIRD SPELLING AND TEXT TALK, CUZ UR TOTES COOLS AND UNIQUE WHEN U DO TIS, OH AND TALENTED TOO, cut it out. Think before you post stupid things like that. It doesn't make you cool or unique, it just makes you look like a stupid whiny little a-hole.
Here's a picture for the day. It's an old one from the other blog. I totally wish I had hair like that.
Oh and I finally watched a show called "Full Metal Jousting" as suggested by my history teacher. It was amazing. If you haven't watched it, do so now.