Saturday, January 26, 2013

This is a test.

I just need to check if I gif I edited works. It didn't on tumblr, so now I'm worried.
Holy shit it may work!
Anyway, I've become obsessed with my new OTP. Katie McGrath and Harry Lloyd. I'm madly in love with both of them and if they ever get together, then I'll explode. No, I won't explode, but I'll make them adopt me. This is what I did today:
Even by this mediocre photo manip, it is clear that they are adorable. The height difference is way off (he's 6'0", she's 5'5") but it's still... just look at them!
I also did this for my friend Abby, since Joseph Gordon-Levitt is her favorite person ever. I'm gonna improve it a bit, but I think it turned out relatively okay for my first attempt at something like that.

So I'm off to go manipulate more photos so it looks like they're together.
Doodle of the Day:
This is a super old picture. Well, there you go anyway.
Gif of the Day:

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fucking Finals...

Okay, so finals start Tuesday and I've just started working on my Actor's Workshop final and I haven't even begun studying for Euro. I'm dead.
Honestly, here's how finals go through gifs.
First thoughts of finals:
Finals? Come on guys. I'm gonna ace them all with out even trying.
Thinking about studying:
I totally got this. It's going to be fine
When most of my teachers are very vague and broad with what I have to know:
Seriously? All the scientists? You really think I'm gonna just know everything about them for the final...
Guess what! Finals are a week away!
Shit, seriously?!

Mental reaction to panic:
How I end up reacting still...
I'm so fucked.
What I do instead of studying:

Seriously guys. I'm gonna study now.

When I'm actually studying:
I live off of soda during finals.
Night before first finals:

When I get together with friends for last minute cramming:
Well, here's to failing.
When I sit down at finals:
I got this.
When I actually begin taking the test and what I studied isn't on there, but everything else is:
Seriously?! I study what you told me to but oh fucking no. That's not gonna be on the fucking test.
Right after finals:
Good bye future. Wish I could have met you.
Thinking about what grade I'm going to get:
Fs all around.

When I find out I did fine on finals:
Nice try. I know I failed. You're not gonna get my hopes up.
No seriously, I actually got As and Bs
Walking away from finals:

Thinking about next semester's finals:
Did it once, I'll do it again.
See? It's a vicious cycle. It just goes around and around and around. And because I procrastinate like I'm doing now, it doesn't skip over the points of mass panic. Believe me, tomorrow, I'm gonna flip a shit because I still have stuff to do. I should get back to my script analysis...
Picture of the day:
These are all of my electronics as a family. From left to right: Gorgonzola Periwinkle (my slutty Iphone... don't ask), Audrey (my laptop), Lexi (my tablet), and the newest addition since Christmas, Milo (my kindle)

Gif of the day:
This is me. Every. Day.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

From Jousting to Drag Queens...

So I have discovered the wonderful world of drag queens thanks to RuPaul's Drag Race on Netflix. This has been my life for the past two weeks. I haven't started on a semester project because of this show. I die a little inside every time I watch it, but that's okay. I mean what teenage girl wouldn't once she realizes that most of the queens on the show are much prettier than her and much more of a woman? I've already gotten half way through an over sized Godiva chocolate bar...
I've only seen season 2 and 3, but I do have favorites. It seems that my favorites always end up as runner up though. First off, my favorite queens.
She is so strong and rocker and I just love her. My favorite episode is when they put some old guys in drag and she carried her drag mother Stephen out. She had such a connection with him and it was so great. Unfortunately, my other favorite drag queen was eliminated in that very episode...
Pandora Boxx.

I know he's not in drag in this one, but I LOVE Pandora. She's hilarious and quirky and unique (like me, totally kidding). AND I MIGHT MEET HER NEXT SUNDAY (Probably not) BUT STILL I MIGHT MEET HER AND OH MY FROGS!! I would love to tell her how much she's helped me laugh through the shit life throws at me.
Next is Manila Luzon.
She is so fierce and fantastic and hilarious and I love her so much. I'm seriously in LOVE with her. It's really unhealthy. No joke, I'm listening to Hot Couture by her right now. Seriously, she's not only a beautiful woman but a hot guy too. His name is Karl. I don't know why, but finding that out made me laugh.
I seriously have to remind myself he's gay. I die a little bit inside every time. It's gotten to the point where I've ordered a black wig and white extension. Yep. It's sad. I know. I've moved from manly men jousters to drag queens. 
I feel like this blog should be renamed to "Let's all laugh at how sad my life is" or "Pathetic stories to make you feel better about yourself" or maybe even "I don't care what gender Manila Luzon is just let me have him/her". I think something like "Guys that I can't have, but still want desperately" would be the best option. That is a very long list indeed...
Doodle of the Day:
I've gotten into Skyrim lately and I've been reading the Hobbit. Needless to say I now have an unhealthy obsession with elves. Great, elves and drag queens. 
Gif of the Day:
I've decided that a Gif of the day will make this blog fun. Don't you? I love Katie McGrath...