Thursday, March 8, 2012

I didn't make call backs... plus a rant on things that annoy me

I'm done being angry and sorry for myself and I've accepted the fact I didn't get called back. I felt like I did a call back worthy job and so did others, but the director didn't think so. I can't help feeling biases against me were part of that. The teacher doesn't have any biases against me, but I just think he favored other people. Even though he called me a "strong young actress" and even though I got an A on my monologue first time around (which is very hard to do, even according to him), I guess it wasn't enough. So, after crying a bit, drowning my sorrows and self pity in mint chocolate ice cream, tea, and videos of Harry Lloyd, I feel much better. And I'm not one of those people who are like, "OMG I TOTALLY DIDN'T MAKE CALL BACKS!!1 OMG MY DIRECTOR IZ SUCH A D-BAG FOR NOT RECOGNIZING MY TRU TALENT!!1!! MY LIFE SUX!!!" No. I refuse to be one of those people. I just let myself feel sorry for myself, angry, and cry a bit, but by an hour or two later, I'm fine. It's the weirdest thing how it just goes away. I'm also not one of those people who think they're the most talented person on earth, when really, I suck more than Kristen Stewart. I know I'm talented, but I also know I have a lot to learn. As my theatre teacher says "having an ego is good, but you can't stop and say 'I'm good enough' or 'I'm the best'. You have to keep improving and know someone out there is better than you and always will be." Well... that was the gist of it. But what really gets my blood boiling more than call back crap is those people who think they're so that, but are really a-holes. I know a guy and used to be friends with one. He thinks he's so cool and he's the best thing since sliced bread and everyone makes fun of him for it. And after doing one scene as a character from a play that went up in the fall, and not even seeing the play, he thinks he did better than the guy that was casted, and he told him so. I really want to punch him in the face for that.
Moral of the story, don't be like that guy. Never stop learning. Someone is always better than you, but that should only push you to try and do better than that person and all the people that are better than them.
Oh and to those who TYPE IN ALL CAPS WHEN THEY'RE MAD AND USE WEIRD SPELLING AND TEXT TALK, CUZ UR TOTES COOLS AND UNIQUE WHEN U DO TIS, OH AND TALENTED TOO, cut it out. Think before you post stupid things like that. It doesn't make you cool or unique, it just makes you look like a stupid whiny little a-hole.
Here's a picture for the day. It's an old one from the other blog. I totally wish I had hair like that.
Oh and I finally watched a show called "Full Metal Jousting" as suggested by my history teacher. It was amazing. If you haven't watched it, do so now.

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