Friday, April 13, 2012

R.I.P. My dignity

I feel I should rename my  blog to "Day in the Life of a Fan Girl." So, what's new? James Fairclough (my husband on the family tree) freaking posted on my facebook wall. This is old news, but there isn't much to talk about other than that. I'm way too lazy to take a screen shot. I'm so tired right now. Also, I'm getting a shirt for Full Metal Jousting. It says "Team Fairclough" on the back in sparkly letters. I was supposed to get it today, but the girl giving it to me (who I don't know. We're connected by a friend who is a fan of the show as well.) wasn't at school. I'm a tiny bit disappointed, but she had more important things to do. I got my friend Delainy hooked on the series (Matt is her fav, then Rope) and we decided Paul Suda should be prince charming at Disney land and Josh Knowles should be on the cover of a romance novel targeting 40+ year old women and his character's name would be Fabio. It was a very interesting conversation. We're deciding on the rest later. Oh, and here's my most recent FMJ picture for the art contests on Sunday.
Josh Avery for my friend Katelyn! 
I finished this right after he lost for my friend. She was really bummed that he didn't win. His hair was a bitch though. DAMN YOUR BEAUTIFUL LOCKS! Sorry. I'm so tired and I really want to do stuff, but life won't let me. Stupid life. Quit punching me. So... yeah. Nothing really new. I hope everyone has an awesome Weekend! I'm going to a friend's hockey game with my bio teacher so I'll post a picture of the sign later. It's really glittery. Lots of fun.

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