Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Apparently I'm going to be directing a play...

Okay, so my mom came in today and told me that I'm not going to be volunteering at a fun fair for mentally retarded preschoolers. I'm completely fine with this (don't get me wrong, I love little kids) and then she suggests that I can instead put on a play for sick children in the hospital and some retirement people. I agreed, so now I'm directing a half hour play for sick kids and I have a year to get everything set up, but my mom wants me to put it on by June (or when school gets out). Hmm. Now, I've been through the casting and directing unit in theater class, so I know what I have to get done by then. I have no idea what script I'm going to use (suggestions for 30 minute plays are very welcomed), I'm not going to have a lot of money for costumes, props, etc., and on top of that, I have school (all but 2 classes being honors or honors/gifted). I have no idea how I'm going to pull this off, but I'll try. I'm thinking of finding a good fairy tale or story to script myself to avoid royalties. If there are any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
Anyway, nothing new except that. Here's a doodle I did a few minutes ago. No idea who it is, but it was just something to waste ten minutes on. I'll upload another one that's similar I did in bio of Uma Thurman (we're watching Gattaca). It's much better.
Captain Bones and Her Crew (CBaHC) watch!
This is the little section where I update you on how my book is going. It's called Captain Bones and Her Crew if you didn't already get that. It's an adventure/ romance story about a boy named Aaron and his friend Conall. No, Conall and Aaron don't have a romance. Aaron and a character Jane end up falling for each other. It's really cute cause he's nerdy and she's a total bad ass. They go on an adventure with Captain Bones and her crew of not so human pirates to the spirit world, Zenagum, and get into all sorts of misadventures along the way. Next post I'll add a picture of one of the characters. Anyway, the book is on chapter 16 ish. Aaron is on his 3rd adventure (counting all the situations they've gotten into, this is the 3rd and longest so far). It's all told in his perspective, which has been difficult. I added two sentences though! I've been having major writer's block. I guess that's it for now...

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