Sunday, June 9, 2013

I sold my soul to summer school.

Now, before you pity me or laugh at my life, like the title of my blog says, I dare say that this may be a good idea for me. Yes, I know. Shocking. I have no social life, prefer to watch Top Gear than do anything that requires energy, and hate the outdoors. I mean, I appreciate nature, but when my family comes inside after being a feast for all sorts of bugs, I'm reminded why I stay on Tumblr rather than go outdoors. And I mean, I have a social life, but to quote my friend Anita, "Meredith, you live on the internet." That I do Anita. That I do. And even when my mother stole my precious lap top Audrey, I was on Netflix, watching Top Gear and netflix is technically a website... Also just a quick note before going on about summer school, I want an Oliver and I want a small Richard Hammond in my pocket. (The car is Oliver)
So summer school, the thing that will get me out and about socializing. Well, more like learning about the US history I've been listening to since I was in elementary school. It's a regular level class, so it'll be a cake walk, but it will be very boring. So, I had an idea while talking to my AP European history teacher. I'm just going to be the smart ass that relates everything to European history. And if I can't relate something, I'll just go back to the English colonists that founded the original colonies. And if we go back to the Native Americans, then I'll discuss the origins of humanity before the continents were the continents we know today, or something clever like that. 
Any who, it will certainly take up the time that would otherwise be wasted on Top Gear reruns or writing things that aren't Captain Bones. That seems to be my current time spender. I should get back to that though. So, if nothing else, I may manage to seem intelligent. That'll be a new one considering the high level classes usually make me feel dim. No matter! I'll make it fun some how. At the very least, I'll probably draw a lot. 
Otherwise my life, well,

That about sums it up.
Doodle of the day:
This was my art final using foreshortening and chalk pastels on fuzzy paper. I don't know the official name for the fuzzy paper though.
Gif of the day:

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