Friday, July 19, 2013

I'm ALMOST done

I'm so excited, even though I love my summer school class and teacher. They're awesome. But I want to sleep in again! AAAAGH! 6 AM! I should not be waking up at 6 AM during the summer.
Also Chicago Comic Con is coming up, my french friend Ester is coming to stay with me in August, and I'll be able to relax. It's going to be fun times. AND IN OCTOBER I'M GOING TO SEE CELTIC THUNDER LIVE!! THEY ARE THE BEST! I JUST GOT TICKETS AND I CAN NOT CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT!! But, um, anyway...
Also, I figured I'd tell you about a book series that I found that I thought I'd be able to laugh at.
So I was walking down the romance section of my local library, picking out random books and reading the back in an over dramatic fashion to my little brother. I picked one up called Angel's Blood by Nalini Singh. I read the back aloud and thought, "I'm going to read this book and I'm going to laugh at all the clicheness and just have a good time making fun of it." Haha no. 
Yep. It sucked me in by the hopeless romantic and kept me there. I'm not reading the sequel. It's good. Shut up. So it's about this vampire hunter Elena and she gets this job from this archangel Raphael. And he's gorgeous and perfect and completely inhumane. He messes with her mind but she's all like "no buddy. you're not getting into my pants." I don't know why she speaks in lower case in my mind, but she does. She's hot headed, he likes playing with her mind and ROMANCE. Did I say romance? I mean pure sex/constant sexual tension. I swear, they introduce the main plot and objective/job in chapter 2, but they don't actually get around to figuring it out until halfway into the book. But it's okay. It was good enough to read the sequel. Even though the first 18 chapters of the sequel has been, "I want the sexy time." "You can't have the sexy time, but I want the sexy time too." "Then why can't we have the sexy time?" "You're too weak. Okay, maybe a little sexy time." I kid you not, that's what the first chapters have been!
I'm in a good mood. Let's go on a rant while I'm at it.
So Man of Steel. I spent $5 on that movie. It wasn't even worth it. I mean it. I was sitting there through the first 30 minutes, not giving a damn about any of the characters. I didn't give a damn by the end.

And I thought movies were supposed to have solid plots and character development. It didn't have any. How can I care about characters with out development or plot? Lois Lane knew who he was by good detective work in a 5 minute montage. He didn't really hide it. All of a sudden they're friends. And after being separated for most of the movie, they kiss at the end. Oh and the lines post kiss? Gibberish. No enunciation. My theater teacher always said that if he can't hear or understand you, you're garbage. That was garbage. And at the end, when did Lois's boss and two random coworkers begin to matter? Those desperate struggles at the end was their only scenes of importance. They didn't even have names I could remember. They weren't like Phil Coulson, the side character that everyone loves, even though he has a handful of scenes. Maybe I'm just a Marvel fan girl, but it still didn't make sense to me. I liked the evil girl though. She was like second in command or something. She was a badass.
So there's my updates and suggestions. 
Doodle of the Day:
I did this one ages ago. I know it's shit, but look how far I've come from that!!
Gif of the Day:

I love David Tennant's sass. 

 I'm sorry. I'm a bit biased towards Benedict. He came first in my fandom adventures.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

I hate multiple emails.

Okay, so I've been blogging for maybe a year now, attempted to do at least one post every month. Fine. Cool. I hope it's interesting. But every time I log in, I use the wrong email.
Now it's not like I don't know which email I need to use to get on to this blasted site. No. I know which one. It's just gmail has that auto sign in, so it chooses the wrong account because that account is the one I use for ALL my stuff. And I haven't figured out how to transfer the accounts or anything. If anyone who actually reads this blog and knows how to transfer it could tell me, that'd be sweet.
Also... I have my costume for Chicago Wizard World very close to done. I am only a belt away from completing it! I can totally go with out the belt, but as obsessive to accuracy on my budget I am, I'm going to get it at all costs. I'll make sure to post some pictures.
This is going to be a quick post, I now realize and I'm sorry. I'll make sure to post again later this month, but tonight I have things to do. Just on a serious note, if anyone who reads this needs to talk, I'm open. Anytime. Seriously. I may not reply instantly (for I may be asleep), but as soon as I figure out what to say, I'll reply. I don't know... I just want you guys to know that you're not alone and I'm more than willing to help.
And remember my friends...

Doodle of the Day:
This is legit the only thing I've drawn since going into summer school. And it was for a project... Where has my life gone? And when can I get it back?

Gif of the day:
That one always makes me chuckle. I wish I could use it more often.