Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Auditions for Almost, Maine!

Okay, so Almost, Maine are next week Tuesday and Wednesday. I am so pumped and determined to get in! I got the script for Christmas and I have been working as much as I can on each scene. I'm really hoping to get in especially because it's the drama teacher's last year before retiring. If I don't get in, I'll still have the experimental play that's coming out of my theater class. We're taking children's stories from the elementary schools and performing them. It's going to be really cute. I'm a huge theater nerd. My goal is to become a successful actress in London. Since I didn't make the fall play, I'm getting double prepared for auditions. I feel like if I don't get into one of the plays (that I had to audition for) my freshman year, I'll never make it in London. I had an AD job during my middle school's play in the fall. They worshiped me as the warrior goddess. Yes, and someone else gave me that nick name. I guess wish me luck!

Here's a sketch from bio class on the back of a French worksheet. She kinda reminds me of what I imagine Glory from Almost, Maine's "Her Heart". That's my favorite part.
CBaHC watch!
Extreamly crappy and quick sketch of Conall. A realistic version of him will be coming soon along with all the other characters!
A bit about Conall:
Okay! Time for Conall! He's Aaron's best friend from Sarontova. Unfortunately I don't have a clip from The Many Lives of Many People on Conall frankly because I'm lazy and Aaron doesn't need to read about his best friend. He's a ladies's man and will go for any pretty girl. He once had a girlfriend named Anya, but he ate her. She turned herself into a frog with out his knowledge and he happened to run into frog Anya and decided to cook her up. He's been feeling guilty ever since and wants to go to Zenagum to apologize. He met Aaron when he was nine ish while standing up for him against some local bullies. (Aaron was six at the time) And they've been best buddies ever since! Conall is a really stupid, but sweet guy once you really get to know him. Oh, and fun fact: I came up with Conall's name through a random name generator. All the characters in my book before Lady Madeline shows up were named by a random name generator except for Aaron and Jane. Bones's actual name (Isodle Elaine McDowell) was named by a generator except for the last name.

Look at that, two pictures in one post! Lucky ducks!

Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm not going to be blind soon!

Okay, so I lost my glasses a month or two ago and now I'm finally going to get new ones. Now maybe I can stop squinting at boards and successfully learn something before I get a head ache! I'm also getting contacts soon. Violet ones too! I feel like with my dark hair and pale skin, I'm going to look straight out of a sci-fi movie! I could be one of the Doctor's companion! I would probably be the most mentally unwell companion yet! It'd be a party on the TARDIS with me around. Oh yeah! My friend and I actually write Doctor Who fan fiction just for fun, including each other in it! She's become the Doctor's regular companion now and I've gotten one trip, but I'm fine with that. I wrote one when her and the Doctor (the 10th one of course! I mean, god his hair!) visit me in 2020 when I'm an actress with a semi successful career living with my favorite actor ever Harry Lloyd (<3) in a glass house. Apparently I had a mental break down and was in a mental hospital for violent tendencies and multiple personalities. But it's all good because the Doctor realizes it's actually multiple gas aliens fighting for dominance in me. I end up getting cured, but not before bludgeoning someone to death with a frying pan in a dark house with walls made of mirrors. It wasn't me though, it was the personality Alice. Maybe I'll put a little bit of it up once I finish it. That's about it.
Captain Bones and Her Crew Watch!
I'm almost finished with chapter 16: the wishing well. Aaron still needs to get out of Lady Barquelle's estate and make sure she can't hurt any one else. I'm almost at a big battle scene and I just can't seem to get there.
And as promised, a sketch of one of the characters.
This was a picture of Aaron before I discovered the beauty of the wet oily brush on Corel painter. I'm glad how he turned out in this one, but I'm probably going to re do it. I did a realistic version of him using the actor that will portray him if I get my way with the movie deal.
A little about Aaron straight from the book it's self:
(Aaron is reading a magic book entitled The Many Lives of Many People by the People Themselves.  This book basically tells the back story of any person of the reader's choice)
"This is the story of a boy named Aaron. He has no last name, no idea of his ancestry and no clue how to talk with girls. This is history, namely his.
On the forty second day of spring, Aaron was born in his small town of Sarantova. From the time he was born to when he entered school, nothing much happened, but this was to be expected from the son of a healer and a spice trader. When he entered school, all that really happened that was important was that he read. Aaron read every day, every night from the first rays of sun to the last moments of light. It didn’t matter what book or what topic, Aaron read. This was odd for this town, for most boys were out and about, scraping their knees, playing in the mud, and other activities that little boys do. He did retain a good amount of information that has been put to recent use aboard the Red Diamond, under the command of Isodle Elaine McDowell or Bones as known to her crew. 
On the eighth day of autumn in the eighth year of Aaron’s existance, Aaron had a rather unfortunate experience with a boy named Allan. Aaron was minding his own business, reading under a tree, when a fairly good sized pebble hit his forehead. The thrower of this projectile was Allan. Aaron, trying to avoid trouble, picked the pebble up and tossed it to the side. At this point, another pebble of a larger size hit Aaron’s forehead. Aaron, stopped reading and looked up to see Allan, Felix, and Gohog. 
“Hey glupper. Reading again?” Allan taunted. Glupper, for those who are not aware, is a female flox, and a very rude insult.
“Yes. Could you possibly stop please?” Aaron asked. His parents had well versed him in good manners.
“Why should I?” Allan taunted.
“Well, because, first of all, it hurts, and second, it’s distracting me from my reading, so if you could stop, that’d be nice,” Aaron replied.
“Reading is for losers!” Felix laughed, snatching the book. This situation then turned into a game of keep away, until a boy by the name of Conall came along. 
“Hey you three! Give his book back!” Conall shouted, walking over. Since Conall was older than the boys, they naturally obeyed then scattered. Conall walked over to young Aaron.
“Thank you sir for helping me retrieve my book,” Aaron thanked him. Conall messed Aaron’s hair up playfully like an older brother.
“Not a problem. And don’t call me sir. That’s not my name. I’m Conall,” replied eleven year old Conall.
“It’s nice to meet you, Conall. My name is Aaron,” replied eight year old Aaron.
“How old are you?” Aaron’s savior asked.
“I’m eight years of age.”
“You don’t sound like it.”
“I know.” After that exchange of words, Aaron and Conall became the best of friends. 
As Conall noticed, Aaron did not speak like an eight year old boy. This was because he mimicked the way he parents spoke, not other children. This was also because he spoke as if he was narrating a book himself."

OMG PREVIEW! Also, this is the biggest section of book I'm planing to give you. Just sayin. When I post about any other character other than Aaron, you won't get that much back story. I just felt generous and since it doesn't reveal a lot about Aaron, it's fine. I hope you enjoyed that!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Apparently I'm going to be directing a play...

Okay, so my mom came in today and told me that I'm not going to be volunteering at a fun fair for mentally retarded preschoolers. I'm completely fine with this (don't get me wrong, I love little kids) and then she suggests that I can instead put on a play for sick children in the hospital and some retirement people. I agreed, so now I'm directing a half hour play for sick kids and I have a year to get everything set up, but my mom wants me to put it on by June (or when school gets out). Hmm. Now, I've been through the casting and directing unit in theater class, so I know what I have to get done by then. I have no idea what script I'm going to use (suggestions for 30 minute plays are very welcomed), I'm not going to have a lot of money for costumes, props, etc., and on top of that, I have school (all but 2 classes being honors or honors/gifted). I have no idea how I'm going to pull this off, but I'll try. I'm thinking of finding a good fairy tale or story to script myself to avoid royalties. If there are any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
Anyway, nothing new except that. Here's a doodle I did a few minutes ago. No idea who it is, but it was just something to waste ten minutes on. I'll upload another one that's similar I did in bio of Uma Thurman (we're watching Gattaca). It's much better.
Captain Bones and Her Crew (CBaHC) watch!
This is the little section where I update you on how my book is going. It's called Captain Bones and Her Crew if you didn't already get that. It's an adventure/ romance story about a boy named Aaron and his friend Conall. No, Conall and Aaron don't have a romance. Aaron and a character Jane end up falling for each other. It's really cute cause he's nerdy and she's a total bad ass. They go on an adventure with Captain Bones and her crew of not so human pirates to the spirit world, Zenagum, and get into all sorts of misadventures along the way. Next post I'll add a picture of one of the characters. Anyway, the book is on chapter 16 ish. Aaron is on his 3rd adventure (counting all the situations they've gotten into, this is the 3rd and longest so far). It's all told in his perspective, which has been difficult. I added two sentences though! I've been having major writer's block. I guess that's it for now...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

NEW BLOG! oh dear...

Yay! First regular blog post! I have so many projects that are going to be due or that I'm trying to get off the ground it's not even funny. I have a book I'm trying to write and publish (pictures of characters and chapter snipits may be coming soon), I have an English project I need to redo, and I have a photography project that I want to get started. Thank god after all of that, I can just relax with a Dr.Pepper and a good episode of Russel Howard's Good News. Let's hope I can actually keep this blog going for a while before abandoning it because my life is boring and I have no time.